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Chinese translation for "carrier aircraft"


Related Translations:
carrier:  n.1.运送人,搬夫;负荷者;使役,〔美国〕信差,邮递员;送报人;〔英国〕运输行,运输业者。2.传书鸽,信鸽。3.(车后的)货架;吊架;托架。4.水管,引水沟。5.运载工具;搬运机;移动滑车。6.【医学】带菌者,病媒。7.航空母舰。8.【电学】载波;载流子;【拓】承载子;【化学】载体,填料;导染剂。短语和例子a mail [letter] carrier邮递员。 a ban
stealth aircraft:  [bomber, missile ] 隐形飞机[轰炸机,导[飞]弹]。
shadow aircraft:  侦察机。
utility aircraft:  运输机。
Example Sentences:
1.Submarine and carrier aircraft were the menaces the great guns could not fight .
2.Cains carrier aircraft inertial navigation system
3.Carrier - borne aircraft ; carrier aircraft
4.On the basis of the research on the arresting behavior of the carrier aircraft , the arresting model of the continental rise aircraft as well as its motion analysis is presented in the paper
5.In order to make the airborne radar instruction control antenna pointing correctly overcome the influence caused by maneuvering of carrier aircraft , and airspace stabilization algorithm is adopted in the airborne radar control circuit
6.This paper resolved the radar instructions based upon ground to the radar antenna control instructions by using the carrier aircraft attitude data provided by inertial navigation system of the aircraft and the radar installation data provided by radar database
7.On the basis of the situation analysis for practical engineering application , it is put forward to add compensating measures in airspace circuit including instruction feedforward , target feedforward , carrier aircraft feedforward and radome refraction compensation to improve the airspace stabilization accuracy
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